Life's oxygen: Prayer Death's Doula
Prayer is our most powerful tool The one thing all humans must do is die.
in our effort to be fully alive. We cannot escape this fact.
The Center For Healing will create for you Death brings many fears:
any type of prayer or ritual you need. fear of dying, fear of the afterlife,
fear of the transition to the afterlife,
Possibilities for prayer and ritual include fear of judgment, fear of leaving things undone,
birth & death, fear of the unknown and mystery of death.
loss & grief,
addiction, abuse, & recovery, Germaine Smith offers energetic & spiritual assistance
transitions in life, to those facing death and family members
celebrations & successes. who wish to navigate the fears
weddings & funeral. and embrace the mysteries of life & death.
For more information, please email: [email protected]
Prayer is our most powerful tool The one thing all humans must do is die.
in our effort to be fully alive. We cannot escape this fact.
The Center For Healing will create for you Death brings many fears:
any type of prayer or ritual you need. fear of dying, fear of the afterlife,
fear of the transition to the afterlife,
Possibilities for prayer and ritual include fear of judgment, fear of leaving things undone,
birth & death, fear of the unknown and mystery of death.
loss & grief,
addiction, abuse, & recovery, Germaine Smith offers energetic & spiritual assistance
transitions in life, to those facing death and family members
celebrations & successes. who wish to navigate the fears
weddings & funeral. and embrace the mysteries of life & death.
For more information, please email: [email protected]